New Arrivals ·
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August New Drops

Hello SEF Fam!
I have missed you guys and I am excited to be back!
As you all know by now, I took an unplanned month off in July to focus on finishing my Master's program strong. I am happy to be done with the student chapter of my life and ready to dedicate more time and love to Simply EliFab and all our cuties and parents.
This is actually a delayed release which was meant for July, but as they say, everything happens for a reason. Nonetheless, I am happy to finally be sharing our latest additions with you. It was hard to keep this one under wraps and I was tempted to hop back in and release them at some point in July as pictures of some of the items were already out and I was getting inquiries but, I am a big believer in not forcing things and letting them happen naturally. So, here we are today.
Not all pictures make it to the product image but they are all worth sharing.
Enjoy the beautiful images by @BaeHart from our latest additions.
Shop all items here.

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